Man sitting at desk smiling while working on a laptop

PEO vs. EOR: Which Is Right For Your Organization?

Employer of record (EOR) and professional employer organization (PEO) partners help companies manage
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Man with glasses typing on his laptop

How to Pay International Employees: A Guide for U.S. Employers

The logistics of expanding a U.S. business into a new country are complex—including adhering to
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Three coworkers in a lush meeting space.

Is It a Good Idea to Hire Right Now? 2023 Labor Market Trends

At first glance, it's not the easiest time to grow your team. Economic uncertainty has businesses
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Philippines Business Climate 101

Philippines Business Climate 101

In today's economy, companies continue to successfully expand into international markets for a
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How an HRIS System Can Help Your Global Expansion

How an HRIS System Can Help Your Global Expansion

Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) provide a software solution to manage Human Resources
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Working with Contractors In Egypt: What You Need to Know

Working with Contractors In Egypt: What You Need to Know

Egypt saw more than its share of political and social turmoil after former president, Hosni Mubarak
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How to Obtain a Critical Skills Work Visa in South Africa

How to Obtain a Critical Skills Work Visa in South Africa

In 2011, South Africa published the National Development Plan (NDP). A product of the National
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5 Things to Know Before Hiring a 1099 Employee

What Is a 1099 Employee? 5 Things You Should Know When Hiring

There has been a recent boom in hiring independent contractors, specifically 1099 employees, due to
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Four Tips for Doing Business in Africa

4 Tips for Doing Business in Africa

Africa is undergoing a drastic shift toward financial stability. Investors expect that this
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Successful International Expansion: Six Tips for Startups

Successful International Expansion: 5 Tips for Startups

Every startup company is looking for a way to stay competitive. Many times, that edge comes from a
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A Guide to Thailand Visa Requirements

A Guide to Thailand Visa Requirements

According to the World Bank, Thailand has transitioned from a low-income nation to a high-income
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Indonesia work permit, kitas

6 Things You Need to Know About Work Permit KITAS in Indonesia

Nearly every country has a visa program for skilled workers to temporarily live in the country. In
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L1 Visa: What You Need to Know

L-1 Visa: What You Need to Know

Companies that own foreign affiliates regularly send their domestic employees overseas to work. They
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Guide to Understanding German Labor Law

One of the most complicated aspects of expanding into a new country is managing labor law compliance
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