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Velocity Global’s New HR Integrations With ATS and HRIS Partners Create a Single Source of Truth for Employees

Customized, synchronous employee data between our Global Work Platform™ and Greenhouse, BambooHR, Namely, and HiBob integrates onboarding and employment processes within a centralized platform.

Hiring and onboarding supported employees can be complex, risky, and time-consuming for any company hiring a global workforce, expanding into new markets, or converting contractors into full-time employees. For HR managers, it is essential to manage all distributed talent, regardless of location, role, or employment agreement, as seamlessly as possible.

Overseeing supported employees across borders is especially difficult since customers are not the employer of record (EOR). So, what’s the solution? A seamless integration where all HR technology can share the same data simultaneously. This may seem obvious, but it isn’t easy to do at scale. Most EOR providers offer APIs (application programming interfaces) to facilitate the scale of such demand. While this is necessary, so is the ability to offer depth and breadth to how data is shared across platforms. Most EOR providers don’t offer this.

Velocity Global uniquely removes these complexities through a deeply integrated experience during the hiring, onboarding, and employee management processes via our Global Work Platform™. Our integrations with Greenhouse, BambooHR, Namely, and HiBob ensure critical onboarding and employment data are connected and stay consistent when employment changes occur.

How Our Integrations Work

Our data synchronizes with our ATS (applicant tracking system) and HRIS (human resource information system) partners bidirectionally through customizable data mapping and a function that allows real-time updates in our Global Work Platform™ and the ATS or HRIS. The depth and flexibility of our integrations ensure that all systems from your ATS and HRIS to our Global Work Platform™ have accurate and consistent supported employee data.

Reduce Errors During Onboarding

Our bidirectional integration with Greenhouse simplifies the process of building a distributed workforce by reducing the inefficiencies of manual data entry and potential errors from one system to the other, accelerating employee onboarding.

Streamlining Supported Employee Management

We know that managing a distributed workforce across multiple systems can create errors in paying and managing talent. Our integration with BambooHR allows our customers to manage onboarding, employee and job details, and employment changes all in one place.

With our Namely and HiBob integrations, supported employee data is accurately reflected and easily managed throughout their employment lifecycle in our Global Work Platform™.

Click here to learn more about our integrations.

At Velocity Global, we’re dedicated to simplifying the management of global teams by providing increased visibility and accuracy of supported employees within one system. Streamlining this process allows our customers to focus on the growth of their business and the development of their employees.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help simplify your distributed workforce needs.

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