Man working on his laptop

Hire Your Dream Team: Strategies to Thrive During Economic Uncertainty

Ask yourself this: What could you accomplish if you found a way to somehow attract top talent while
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Business leader strategizing to expand his business globally

Top 5 Global Expansion Strategies for Growing Businesses

As businesses map their growth trajectory in today’s interconnected world, many see global expansion
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Woman working on her laptop on a balcony

Working Remotely From Another Country: A Complete Guide

With advancements in technology, opportunity, and employer attitudes, it’s possible to work from
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Think Global: Top 5 Benefits of an International Expansion

Think Global: Top 5 Benefits of an International Expansion

Globalization is not simply a trend: it’s now a necessity for companies to remain competitive in
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30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin)

The Disadvantages of Setting Up a Non-Resident Entity in the UK

More than two months after the UK’s original leave date, Brexit’s final impact is still shrouded in
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The Pros and Cons of Hiring in the European Labor Market

The Pros and Cons of Hiring in the European Labor Market

Each country or region’s labor market is a bit different, and each will likely vary wildly from
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An Overview of Doing Business in Myanmar

An Overview of Doing Business in Myanmar

Officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Myanmar (or Burma, as it is sometimes
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Overview of The State of Global Expansion 2019 Report: Tech Industry

Overview of The State of Global Expansion 2019 Report: Tech Industry

Today, an increasing number of U.S. and UK tech companies are looking to overseas markets to grow
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Why Aren't There More Women in Tech?

Why Aren't There More Women in Tech?

The gender pay-gap question is not a new one, and neither is gender disparity in the boardroom
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Sao Paulo, Brazil city skyline at sunrise.

Taking Advantage of Emerging Market Opportunities

When Gillette wanted to expand into an emerging market, it developed two types of razors
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Businessman takes moving walkway to gate in airport

How the APEC Business Travel Card Benefits Frequent Travelers

Frequent travelers to the Asia Pacific region for business purposes may want to consider the
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The Changing Roles of Data Controllers and Processors Under the GDPR

The Changing Roles of Data Controllers and Processors Under the GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May 25, 2018, becoming the most
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The Importance of Attesting Documents in the GCC

The Importance of Attesting Documents in the GCC

Legalization (or, document attestation, as it is commonly known in the Middle East) is the process
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This is Why FCPA Compliance is Essential

This is Why FCPA Compliance is Essential

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, otherwise known as the FCPA, is a federal law in the United
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